08 Aug 29 - Thailand knows no law
Several days ago, the anti-government coalition had illegally seized the Parliament and blocked the path to several major roads in Bangkok . 2 days ago, the court had ordered a warrant of arrest on the 9 Leaders who are leading the anti-government coalition . After 2 days of mess, the PAD showed no sign of fear in the court's order, and had ordered the PAD 's volunteers to prevent the police from arresting them. This morning, after having enough patience to deal with the coalition, the police decided to open the road leading to the Parliament by force, injuring a numerous of protesters in the process. Angered by what the police did, the protester re-occupied the area , they rallied help from their men outside of Bangkok to: - Block the main road leading to the International Airport of Bangkok, Phuket, Krabi and Had Yai. - Protest discontinuing their work in the Train Station , thus, leading to a paralyze in various of transportation. Transport Strangled ------------------