08 July 27 - The World's Largest Cow

This post should fall under the Biggest Domestic Animal category.
Sometimes ago, I posted about The World's Biggest Dog, now, when it comes to Cows...
How big can these cows be?


Want one guys?
I do, just one of them will provide enough milk for the whole family.

Or not..?


Marc said…
Wow, the cow is incredibly huge!
Anonymous said…
Seizhin said…
Yes the cow's real and has been in the spotlight for a few time :)

It's still kickin' too.
Anonymous said…
hahaha.. It's like saying big women are baby factories!! too much lol.
Seizhin said…
I've no intention of saying such thing haha, it's up to all of our imagination for it.
;pakpbhg said…
this can be true but it is not noone proble see that on tv or printed it off the computer.
jordand733 said…
has nobody heard of photoshop F.G.S it is obviously fake

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